Monday, January 01, 2007


  1. Communicate more with my MP - instead of signing useless petitions and attending occasional protests I've decided to channel more of my many views and opinions through the official channels, if only to confirm my belief that this will prove just as ineffective. Regardless, my first letter to Nigel Griffiths about the Trident program is in the post, and he can expect one about data protection next week. And science funding the week after that. Maybe the local council would also like a letter about the cancelled Hogmaney (sp?) celebrations. It honestly wasn't that windy.
  2. Go running at least three days out of seven
  3. Quit taking the bus (always full of scottish schoolchildren) and start cycling instead
  4. Write more blog posts (not many more), but write some of these posts on the subject of science, comeserate with my NERC responsibilites to 'promote science through non-tradiational public forums' (it says here)

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