Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Learning new things

Things that I have learnt the hard way today (several not for the first time):

  1. When you are waiting to see someone at the Job Centre, it is much better to look restless and impatient whilst sitting on the multi-coloured comfortable chairs. If you try to put the waiting time to good use (for instance by reading a book or completing a Soduku) you will be ignored even longer.
  2. Green Curry Tuna for 49p at Half Price or Less is not a bargain.*
  3. If you are riding your bike, and the back wheel starts to handle as if it has a puncture, it is very unlikely that conditions will improve if you continue to peddle to your destination. It is more likely that air will continue to be lost from the tyre, making the situation worse.
  4. Eating a whole box of fresh beetroot on the train home yesterday may have been in accord with my New Year's Resolutions (refer to previous post) but it has unexpected side effects, like turning urine red.
  5. I would much rather work in Anarctica than for the Inland Revenue, but I have just noticed that the British Anarctic Survey are hiring :-)
  6. When a Recruitment Agency promises to phone you back 'in the afternoon', it doesn't mean that they will.
* unless you like a nasty lingering aftertaste and feeling really bad for several hours.

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