I was sad that Sir Alan fired one of my fave candidates, Nargis, in week two, but otherwise 3 of the final four contestants are exactly as I had predicted after watching the first episode. No-one will believe me on this.
Still, since it is pre-filmed, I don't think I could have made any money at the bookies anywayz. Nevertheless, I predict that following the interview round next week, Michelle and Paul will be fired. Michelle seems very quietly competent but I don't think glamourous people sit comfortably in Sir Alan's imagination. Similarly, Paul is a nice guy but sociable, ex-rugby playing, possibly ex-public school people don't really fit well into Sir Alan's corporate culture either. What Sir Alan clearly likes best is vigilant, brutish sales people so the final face-off is obviously going to be between Ruth and Ansell. Now, Ansell apart, it is interesting that the other three remaining candidates are the youngest of all those who started. However, I still think that Ansell will end up as the eventual winner as he has played the game really well. He always keeps a low profile, never says anything controversial, plays the peacemaker in any arguments and has done well in the sales tasks. Furthermore it seems that he used to play for Millwall FC and grew up in edgy South London. Hence good corporate fit for the rough n' ready Amstrad culture that has been criticised by Sir Richard Branson. Branson is clearly the more successful businessman, but his own Apprentice-style TV show was pathetic.
Just wait and see how I will be proved correct - I am becoming an experienced expert in recruitment psychology and just wish I could put some of this knowledge to practical use in the real world!
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